Generating big impact
Colby’s approach is deceptively simple: Get others to feel safe enough to drop their egos to address what they’ve been avoiding so they can enter new levels of productivity and wellness.
In other words,
Colby gets your people engaged so they stay engaged.
Employee engagement
Employee Engagement is is a major problem facing today’s workforce. Studies from Gartner, Nielsen, Deloitte and others have found that at least two thirds of today’s workforce are not fully participating. Those studies have also revealed worker dissatisfaction at all levels of most organizations.
For instance, 2017’s Mind the Workplace report* found in its survey of more than 17,000 U.S. workers across 19 industries that 71% of employees are dissatisfied.
Impact of disengagement and dissatisfaction?
Enormous Opportunity Cost:
Let’s face it, distracted people are diminished people: unhappy and unproductive.
Disengaged workers focus on self-preservation by not “putting themselves out there,” avoiding full participation and interaction with co-workers. Many employees who spend a lot of time maneuvering—even dodging—tense relationships may not have the skills to successfully address dysfunctional dynamics or to take accountability and rebuild trust after a conflict.
Well-intended, but ineffective training
is a waste of time and money. While enlightened corporations seek ways to build up supportive, honest, forthright cultures, sometimes you struggle when it comes to instituting effective training to get workers engaged.
The heart of the problem includes:
Most training that purports to address interpersonal relationship-building doesn’t significantly differ from training on policies or even the use of new software.
Trainings that rely heavily on presentations that convey information with few interactive exercises.
Trainings that label themselves ‘interactive’ but do not offer deep or meaningful participation.
What is needed: trainings that…
Offer simple step-by-step formulas to tackle what is unpracticed and therefore avoided, which causes damage to employee engagement and commitment.
Are fundamentally experiential in nature so participants can practice new behaviors in real time.
Incorporate content and storytelling that generate emotional responses memorable enough to changehard wirded behavior.
Colby Wilk has developed workshops, training and coaching sessions so employees no longer instinctively hide behind excuses, blame, or other tactics that stunt productivity and effectiveness. His trainings introduce digestible, high-impact ways for any member of your organization to be primed to create big impact so that going forward, they may face any challenge in a positive, intentional way
Colby’s powerful approach to training was developed based on personal experience. As a child born with learning disabilities so severe that his parents thought he might never be able to live on his own, he had to create new ways to learn. Once old enough to comprehend the complexity of his challenges, he realized he was crafting a new, non-traditional approach to navigating and thriving in society.
He found that ‘feeling’ complex content with all his senses and applying that new experiential learning approach made information digestible. Colby then initiated new approaches through multidisciplinary studies including drama, which not only benefited him, but also succeeded with others.
As a result, Colby’s developments enable those in conflict, in denial, or self-sabotaging to find new ways to understand themselves and diffuse tensions from those around them. This eases their capacity to learn new behaviors and shift mindsets that make everyone more productive as well as fundamentally more confident and content.