You Matter
You are not just another cog in the wheel. You matter!
When people forget this they loose hope . They are no longer the person they imagined they could be at 12 years old. Instead they are a warped copy of themselves, just more haggard.
For the most part all of us fall short of who we thought we would be. Thats is not necessarily a bad thing. We became who we are to survive. And now, maybe your asking yourself do I like this person I am. Do I like me?
Reflection is key to re-evaluation. Without taking a good hard look at yourself you can not see how incredible you are and where you want to go next.
Some folks convince themselves it is to late to make a change. They feel like they should just ride their present course to the end. And you can, but the 12 year old in you still dreams of a life of wonder. And he/she/they can be difficult to silence completely. They can make their presence known in all sorts of subtle ways. That sense of disharmony you feel in the morning when you wake, that uncomfortable feeling in your belly that keeps you up at night may be your 12 year old inviting you to reconsider who you are and what you are willing to sustain just to survive.
Ask yourself, if my inner 12 year old looked at my adult life what would he/she/they think. What would their advice be?
Who you are is still inside of you. You just may need to dust him/her/them off.